2009年8月24日 星期一

*build busybox and create rootfs for nfs

step1: build busybox
#make menuconfig CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-
#make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux
#make install CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux
Then, get _intall directory
#cp -rdf _install/* /nfs

Step2: Create nfs rootfs
#mkdir bin dev etc lib proc sbin tmp usr var
#chmod 1777 tmp
#mkdir usr/bin usr/lib usr/sbin
#mkdir var/lib var/lock var/log var/run var/tmp
#chmod 1777 var/tmp

Step3: Create device node
#mknod -m 600 console c 5 1
or you can copy device nodes from your linux system

Step4: Create /etc/init.d/rcS


Note: When you makemenuconfig,you must take care below:

Busybox Settings >

General Configuration >

[*] Support for devfs

Build Options >

[*] Build BusyBox as a static binary (no shared libs)

[*] Do you want to build BusyBox with a Cross Compiler?


Cross Compiler prefix

Init Utilities >

[*] init

[*] Support reading an inittab file

Shells >

Choose your default shell (ash) >


