2012年5月30日 星期三

android command : getevent and sendevent

reference :

add device 1: /dev/input/event0
  name: "qwerty2"
/dev/input/event0: 0001 001e 00000001
/dev/input/event0: 0001 001e 00000000

其中/dev/input/event0是device的名字 0001是type, 001e是键码, 最后一个根据type不同而不同


# sendevent /dev/input/event0 1 5 1

android command :bootanimation

# adb shell bootanimation

show boot screen

Using iw command to link AP

# enable wifi
# iw dev wlan0 scan | grep SSID
# iw wlan0 connect "SSID"
# iw dev wlan0 link
# netcfg wlan0 dhcp

Turn off power save mode
#iw dev wlan0 set power_save off

wifi basic diagram on Linux

reference http://acx100.erley.org/stable.html

Basic Diagram of Component Interaction

[Wireless Card]
[Linux Kernel ]
  |    |
   |  /   \       
 [crda]    \     
    |       \     
[ Wireless ] |
[Regulatory] |
[ Database ] |
        [ hostapd ]

Understanding what each part does

Wireless Card:
 Should be self explanitory... handles sending/receiving wireless packets

Linux Kernel:
The linux kernel contains the driver for the wireless card, the mac80211 subsystem which handles packet generation and scheduling, and the nl80211 subsystem, which handles configuring the wireless interfaces for userspace

libnl is the transport layer used to communicate with the kernel via netlink

udev is the facility the kernel uses to pass events/calls to crda

iw is a userspace utility that we can use to test that libnl is working correctly, as well as create additional virtual wireless interfaces on the wireless card

crda is a userspace program that the kernel queries (through udev) to find what channels/frequencies are usable, and at what powers. This moves the information out of static tables maintained in kernel to userspace, which allows them to be updated without reloading drivers/rebooting
Wireless Regulatory Database: database of allowable frequencies and transmit power levels used by crda

This is the daemon that handles generation of beacons and other wireless packets, as wel as wpa-psk, wpa2, etc encryptions.

2012年5月29日 星期二

wifi reference web site






linux command: hd

Using "hd" command to see the hex file.
#hd boot.img

android: getevent

getevent : it is android tool in device. it show device capabilities.
#getevent -p
#getevnet -i


The -i option shows even more information than -p, including HID mapping tables and debugging information.
The -l option uses textual labels for all event codes, which is handy.

2012年5月28日 星期一

android: dumpsys

dumpsys is tool in android device. You can use this tool to dump system information.

  • dumpsys meminfo displays memory usage 
  • dumpsys cpuinfo displays processor usage 
  • dumpsys account displays information on all accounts
  • dumpsys activity displays information about activities
  • dumpsys window displays information about keyboards, windows and their z order
  • dumpsys wifi shows information about available access points and current connection

The parameters may have below:
SurfaceFlinger, accessibility, account, activity, alarm, appwidget, audio, backup, battery, batteryinfo, bluetooth, bluetooth_a2dp, clipboard, connectivity, content, cpuinfo, device_policy, devicestoragemonitor, diskstats, dropbox, entropy, hardware, hdmi, input_method, iphonesubinfo, isms, location, media.audio_flinger, media.audio_policy, media.camera, media.player, meminfo, mount, netstat, network_management, notification, package, permission, phone, power, search, sensor, simphonebook, statusbar, telephony.registry, throttle, uimode, usagestats, vibrator, wallpaper, wifi, window



#git blame file.c
#git blame -L start_line,end_line file.c
#git blame -L 160,+20 file.c

wifi calibrator for Tx/RX testing

1. Make sure you turn off wifi on UI
2. #insmod /system/lib/modules/wl12xx_sdio.ko
3. #ifconfig wlan0 down
4. #calibrator wlan0 plt power_mode on
5. #calibrator wlan0 plt tx_stop
5. #calibrator wlan0 plt tune_channel
6. #calibrator wlan0 plt tx_cont
7. #calibrator wlan0 plt tx_stop
8. #calibrator wlan0 plt power_mode off

1. Make sure you turn off wifi on UI
2. #insmod /system/lib/modules/wl12xx_sdio.ko
3. #ifconfig wlan0 down
4. #calibrator wlan0 plt power_mode on
5. #calibrator wlan0 plt tune_channel
6. #calibrator wlan0 plt stop_rx_statcs
7. #calibrator wlan0 plt reset_rx_statcs
8. #calibrator wlan0 plt start_rx_statcs
9. #calibrator wlan0 plt stop_rx_statcs
10.#calibrator wlan0 plt get_rx_statcs
11.#calibrator wlan0 plt power_mode off