2009年12月8日 星期二

ubi filesystem on NAND

#ubinfo /dev/ubi0
Volumes count: 0
Logical eraseblock size: 1032192 bytes, 1008.0 KiB
Total amount of logical eraseblocks: 16336 (16861888512 bytes, 15.7 GiB)
Amount of available logical eraseblocks: 16169 (16689512448 bytes, 15.5 GiB)
Maximum count of volumes 128
Count of bad physical eraseblocks: 18
Count of reserved physical eraseblocks: 163
Current maximum erase counter value: 2
Minimum input/output unit size: 8192 bytes
Character device major/minor: 253:0
#sudo ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -S 16169 -N ROOTFS
#mkfs.ubifs /dev/ubi0_0
#mkdir /tmp/ubi
#mount -t ubifs ubi0_0 /tmp/ubi
#mkdir /tmp/mmc
#mount -t ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p1 /tmp/mmc
#cd mmc/
#(tar -cf - * | tar -C ../ubi/ -xf -) &

//Booting from UBI
Setting u-boot parameters
setenv bootargs_root root=ubi0:ROOTFS rootfstype=ubifs

setenv tftpbootcmd 'tftpboot 0x2000000 ${image_name}; setenv bootargs pm_disable ${console} ${bootargs_root} usb0Mode=${usb0Mode} usb1Mode=${usb1Mode} video=dovefb:lcd0:${lcd0_params},lcd1:${lcd1_params} clcd.lcd0_enable=${lcd0_enable} clcd.lcd1_enable=${lcd1_enable} mtdparts=spi0.0:512k(uboot)ro,128k(uboot_env),3072k(kernel) ubi.mtd=Root;bootm 0x2000000'

解deb 不用dpkg

#ar p xserver-xorg-video.deb data.tar.gz | tar -C / -xvf -
#ar p xserver-xorg-video.deb data.tar.gz | tar -C / -ztvf -

#dpkg --force-all -i xserver-xorg-video.deb

2009年11月11日 星期三

Integrate image

Integrate image: uboot and uImage
#dd if=u-boot of=ub bs=1M conv=sync
#vi ub
Then see the hex file by :%!xxd
verify it by see address
16o 477624

Integrate image: uboot and uImage
#cat ub uImage > image

#dd if=u-boot of=du bs=1M conv=sync
#cat ub uImage > image

;c code mkimage.c
#gcc -O2 -o mknandimg mknandimg.c
;make image
#./mknandimg u-boot.bin uImage image


2009年11月5日 星期四

2009年10月29日 星期四

720p and 1080p 備忘

[7] = { //720p
.pixclock = 0,
.refresh = 60,
.xres = 1280,
.yres = 720,

.hsync_len = 40,
.left_margin = 220,
.right_margin = 110,

.vsync_len = 5,
.upper_margin =20,
.lower_margin = 5,
.sync = 0,
[8] = { //1080p
.pixclock = 0,
.refresh = 60,
.xres = 1920,
.yres = 1080,

.hsync_len = 44,
.left_margin = 148,
.right_margin = 88,

.vsync_len = 5,
.upper_margin =36,
.lower_margin = 4,
.sync = 0,

2009年10月25日 星期日

nand testing

uboot write kernel
#tftpboot 0x2000000 uImage
#nand erase 0x400000 0x400000
#nand write 0x2000000 0x400000 0x400000
#nand read 0x2000000 0x400000 0x400000
#bootm 0x2000000
setenv bootcmd 'nand read 0x2000000 0x400000 0x400000;bootm 0x2000000'

setenv bootcmd 'nand read 0x2000000 0x400000 0x400000;setenv bootargs ${console} ${bootargs_root} nfsroot=${serverip}:${rootpath} ip=${ipaddr}:${serverip}${bootargs_end} usb0Mode=${usb0Mode} usb1Mode=${usb1Mode} video=dovefb:lcd0:${lcd0_params},lcd1:${lcd1_params} clcd.lcd0_enable=${lcd0_enable} clcd.lcd1_enable=${lcd1_enable}; bootm 0x2000000'

mtd utility:
dump nand device by nanddump
#nanddump -p -f /tmp/mtd1 /dev/mtd1
see mtd1 file
#less /tmp/mtd1
erase nand device
#flash_erase /dev/mtd1
see mtd1 full 0xff
#less /tmp/mtd1

MTD utility
# flash_erase /dev/mtd2
Erase Total 1 Units
Performing Flash Erase of length 524288 at offset 0x0 done

#dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/zero.img bs=1k count=4
4+0 records in
4+0 records out
# flashcp zero.img /dev/mtd2
#nanddump -p -f /work/mtd2 /dev/mtd2


# ./mtd_debug read /dev/mtd0 0 100 gliethttp.bin
Copied 100 bytes from address 0x00000000 in flash to gliethttp.bin
# hexdump gliethttp.bin
0000000 03ff ea00 350c e59f 001c e583 410e e3a0
0000010 4004 e583 4a03 e3a0 4001 e254 fffd 1aff
0000020 4106 e3a0 4004 e583 420f e202 5000 e594
0000030 4001 e084 5000 e594 4001 e084 5000 e594
0000040 4001 e084 5000 e594 4010 e3a0 4008 e583
0000050 4050 e3a0 4001 e254 fffd 1aff 4e1e e3a0
0000060 4008 e583
# ./mtd_debug read /dev/mtd2 0 100 gliethttp.bin;hexdump gliethttp.bin -Cv
Copied 100 bytes from address 0x00000000 in flash to gliethttp.bin
00000000 1f 8b 08 00 ca 14 7d 4a 02 03 e4 5a 0f 70 93 e7 |......}J...Z.p..|
00000010 79 7f 3f 49 36 b2 31 41 80 a0 0e 38 cd 57 70 16 |y.?I6.1A...8.Wp.|
00000020 93 18 f3 19 3b 60 12 9a d9 60 08 09 4e 22 c0 a4 |....;`...`..N"..|
00000030 b4 81 ca 42 92 6d 0d 59 d2 49 72 02 2b 4d dd 60 |...B.m.Y.Ir.+M.`|
00000040 72 84 e1 86 03 a7 21 01 8a d2 b2 4b 2e f3 56 76 |r.....!....K..Vv|
00000050 63 b7 34 0b 1d cd b1 1d 6b b3 95 36 dc 95 db d1 |c.4.....k..6....|
00000060 8b 90 d1 ea |....|

[root@Dove /]# flash_eraseall /dev/mtd2
Erasing 512 Kibyte @ 13300000 -- 7 % complete.
Skipping bad block at 0x13380000
Erasing 512 Kibyte @ 35080000 -- 20 % complete.
Skipping bad block at 0x35100000
Erasing 512 Kibyte @ 53180000 -- 32 % complete.
Skipping bad block at 0x53200000
Erasing 512 Kibyte @ 73d00000 -- 45 % complete.
Skipping bad block at 0x73d80000
Erasing 512 Kibyte @ 77a00000 -- 46 % complete.
Skipping bad block at 0x77a80000
Erasing 512 Kibyte @ ff680000 -- 99 % complete.
Skipping bad block at 0xff700000

Skipping bad block at 0xff780000

Skipping bad block at 0xff800000

Skipping bad block at 0xff880000

Skipping bad block at 0xff900000

Skipping bad block at 0xff980000

Skipping bad block at 0xffa00000

Skipping bad block at 0xffa80000
Erasing 512 Kibyte @ ffb00000 -- 100 % complete.

spin down

Hdparm –S <> /dev/

For example : SATA HD mount at /dev/sda1 ,you want SATA HD into sleep after 1 min

You need type command “hdparm –S 12 /dev/sda1”




2009年10月23日 星期五

mtd utility


2009年9月6日 星期日

* Audio: I2S and Linux sound system


------------ --------
| Embedded | ---->I2S | audio | <----MIC | controller | ---->I2C | codec | ----->AMP -->speaker
------------ --------

I2S: Inter-IC sound

1. SCLK(BCLK) : sclk frequency= (2) x (sample rate) x (sample bit)
2. LRCK(WS) : WS=0 for left channel, WS=1 for right channel
3. SDATA: data from MSB to LSB
4. MCLK : main clock

Right/Left Justified:左右校正

Linux sound system:
Kernel 2.6 : ALSA (advanced Linux Sound Architecture)
Kernel 2.4 : OSS (Open sound system)

Device node:
ALSA => /dev/snd/*
OSS => /dev/dsp, /dev/adsp, /dev/mixer, /dev/audio

Procfs and sysfs interface implementation via

Audio codec --> audio codec interface -------> sound core
audio controller --> audio controller driver----> sound core

Driver support function:
2. capture
3. mixer control


2009年9月3日 星期四

* busybox : mdev

建立dev node的方式除了mknod逐一建入之外,可以利用mdev的機制來建立device node

udev已經幾乎是每個os裡必備的機制了,但其佔用了相當的資源,包括開機時,更佔去了好一部份的開機時間。很明顯的,在資源較少的embedded system,不太可能使用這樣的一個東西。

替代品是busybox的mdev,意思是mini udev。mdev需要透過 kernel的hotplug event來完成device node的增減。通常以mdev -s來啟動,設定檔是mdev.conf。啟動時會去掃描/sys/block和/sys/class裡的 dev檔,並根據其指的的major/minor number建立device node,因此在啟動mdev前當需要先把/sys mount起來囉!

掛載 sys

echo "----------mount /sys as sysfs"
/bin/mount -t tmpfs mdev /dev
/bin/mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
echo "----------Starting mdev......"
/bin/echo /sbin/mdev > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug
mdev -s

*mdev -s 主要是掃描 /sys/class and /sys/block

1. http://kezeodsnx.pixnet.net/blog/post/26153916
2. http://syncmaster795.info/?p=44
3. http://blogimg.chinaunix.net/blog/upfile2/080111091002.pdf
4. http://blog.chinaunix.net/u1/34474/showart.php?id=460882

* mount usbfs

#mount -t usbfs usbfs /proc/bus/usb/
#cat /proc/bus/usb/devices

2009年9月2日 星期三

* busybox : /bin/sh : app not found

建立好的Busybox,我build 其他的application(alsa-utils) 出現 -/bin/sh : aplay not found
後來發現需要copy tools chain /lib 和 /libc to embedded root file system 當中

* How to build busybox

#make menuconfig ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-
x -> Busybox Settings
x -> Build Options
x -> Build shared libbusybox (BUILD_LIBBUSYBOX [=y])

#make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-
#make install ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-
Then, copy them into system rootfs
#sudo cp -dpR _install/* /work/nfs

*Create rootfs
#mkdir bin dev etc home lib mnt proc root sbin tmp usr var sys
#mkdir usr/bin usr/sbin
# mkdir mnt tmp var
# chmod 1777 tmp
# mkdir var/lib var/lock var/log var/run var/tmp
# chmod 1777 var/tmp

*make device node
#sudo mknod -m 600 dev/console c 5 1
#sudo mknod -m 666 dev/null c 1 3

* Create /etc/init.d/rcS

* Copy toolchain libc......xxx files into /lib in rootfs
ld-2.5.so libc.so.6 libgcc_s.so.1 libnss_dns-2.5.so
libnss_nisplus-2.5.so librt.so.1 ld-linux.so.3 libcidn-2.5.so
libm-2.5.so libnss_dns.so.2 libnss_nisplus.so.2 libthread_db-1.0.so libBrokenLocale-2.5.so libcidn.so.1 libm.so.6 libnss_files-2.5.so libpcprofile.so libthread_db.so.1 libBrokenLocale.so.1 libcrypt-2.5.so libmemusage.so libnss_files.so.2 libpthread-2.5.so libutil-2.5.so libSegFault.so libcrypt.so.1 libnsl-2.5.so libnss_hesiod-2.5.so libpthread.so.0 libutil.so.1 libanl-2.5.so libdl-2.5.so libnsl.so.1 libnss_hesiod.so.2 libresolv-2.5.so libanl.so.1 libdl.so.2 libnss_compat-2.5.so libnss_nis-2.5.so libresolv.so.2 libc-2.5.so libgcc_s.so libnss_compat.so.2 libnss_nis.so.2 librt-2.5.so

*Change busybox mode
#chmod 4755 ./bin/buxybox

1. busybox : -/bin/sh :app not found
2. init= not found when using Build shared libbusybox configuration
結果都是需要 copy toolchain 相關的 ./libxxx.so.x 到 filesystem





* Linux From Scratch, uclibc

Linux From scratch


2009年8月28日 星期五

* ubuntu mplayer using fbdev

reference http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?f=74&t=118666

#mplayer -vo help
#mplayer -vo fbdev /media/sda7/else/lian.flv

#mplayer -vo fbdev -vf scale=1024:768 video_file.avi
-vo fbdev 是告诉mplayer用framebuffer作视频驱动.
-vf scale=1024:768 是全屏的方法,可按屏幕的具体情况作调整
# apt-get install xine-console

# apt-get install fbi
# fbi -a *jpg
# fbgs -c *pdf

2009年8月27日 星期四

* ubuntu command "mksquashfs"

#cd /scratchbox
#mksquashfs . /scratchbox.squashfs -b 65536
#mkdir scratchbox.base

//only for test,this is base layer and squashfs only support read mode

#mount -t squashfs -oloop scratchbox.squashfs scratchbox.base/
#mkdir scratchbox.changes
#mkdir scratchbox
#mount -t aufs -o dirs=scratchbox.changes/=rw:scratchbox.base/=rr aufs /scratchbox

//if you want to automount while bootup linux,then you need to edit /etc/fstab

mount squashfs
And, make sure you are root

#mount -t squashfs -o loop /scratchbox.squashfs /scratchbox.base/

#mount -t aufs -o dirs=/scratchbox.changes/=rw:/scratchbox.base/=rr aufs /scratchbox

*ubuntu command "7zip"

make sure you are a root
Tar file:
#sudo su
#tar -cvf - Adobe | 7za a -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=64m -ms=on -si Adobe.tar.7z

Untar file:
#7za x -so /opt/Adobe.tar.7z | tar -xf -

* ubuntu bash.bashrc setting

edit #/etc/bash.bashrc


bind 'C-b':backward-word
bind 'C-f':forward-word
bind 'C-w':backward-kill-word

bind '"\x1b\x5b\x41":history-search-backward'
bind '"\x1b\x5b\x42":history-search-forward'

export HISTFILESIZE=10000
export HISTSIZE=10000

2009年8月26日 星期三

*audio driver on linux

Reference Essential Linux device drives

1. Audio connection

cpu ===> audio codec ===> MIC or speaker

ex: audio codec : AC97. TI TPS65950
audio codec converts digitial audio to analog sound for playing through speakers
Then, audio codec has "mixer" functionality

2.Linuc sound subsystem
ALSA is the sound subsystem of choice in the 2.6 kernel

Device node : /dev/snd/*

/dev/snd/controlC0 is control node for volume gain
/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p is a playback device, p is playback
/dev/snd/pcmC0D0c is a recording device, c is capture

3. Accessing information via /proc/asound and /sys/class/sound

4. ALSA library : user space alsa library alsa-lib which provides the libasound.so
ALSA utility : alsa-utils, alsamixer, amixer, alsactl , aplay and areocrd

5. Audio driver is build out of three main function
* Playback
* Capture
* Mixer control functions

2009年8月24日 星期一

* ubuntu scp command

Ubuntu scp command

scp 來源 目的

scp username@tohostname:/remotefile /newlocalfile

本機 -->遠端

scp localfile username@tohostname:/newfilename

* [ D ] Ubuntu can't use console

Ubuntu can't use console
#cd /etc/event.d/
#cp tty1 ttyS0
Please make sure your console setting by bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200......

Then, edit /etc/event.d/ttyS0
#vi /etc/event.d/ttyS0

tart on stopped rc2
start on stopped rc3
start on stopped rc4
start on stopped rc5

stop on runlevel 0
stop on runlevel 1
stop on runlevel 6

console owner
exec /sbin/getty 115200 ttyS0

* ubuntu upstart



Upstart is an event-based replacement for the /sbin/init daemon which handles starting of tasks and services during boot, stopping them during shutdown and supervising them while the system is running.

*Linux ash prompt can't work about PS1='[\u\@\h \W]# '

In the busybox, you must turn on CONFIG_FEATURE_SH_FANCY_PROMPT

x Prompt: Fancy shell prompts
x Defined at libbb/Config.in:97
x Location:
x -> Busybox Settings
x -> Busybox Library Tuning
x -> Command line editing (FEATURE_EDITING [=y])
 Location:                                                                                                              x
-> Busybox Settings x
-> Busybox Library Tuning x
-> Command line editing (FEATURE_EDITING [=y])

*build busybox and create rootfs for nfs

step1: build busybox
#make menuconfig CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-
#make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux
#make install CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux
Then, get _intall directory
#cp -rdf _install/* /nfs

Step2: Create nfs rootfs
#mkdir bin dev etc lib proc sbin tmp usr var
#chmod 1777 tmp
#mkdir usr/bin usr/lib usr/sbin
#mkdir var/lib var/lock var/log var/run var/tmp
#chmod 1777 var/tmp

Step3: Create device node
#mknod -m 600 console c 5 1
or you can copy device nodes from your linux system

Step4: Create /etc/init.d/rcS


Note: When you makemenuconfig,you must take care below:

Busybox Settings >

General Configuration >

[*] Support for devfs

Build Options >

[*] Build BusyBox as a static binary (no shared libs)

[*] Do you want to build BusyBox with a Cross Compiler?


Cross Compiler prefix

Init Utilities >

[*] init

[*] Support reading an inittab file

Shells >

Choose your default shell (ash) >


2009年8月21日 星期五

* beagle board format mmc card

step1: see mmc disk
#dmesg | tail
get mmcblk0

step2: umount mmc card
#umount /medisk/disk

step3: list mmc
#sudo su -
#fdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0

step4: format mmc card
#sudo ./mmc.sh

#! /bin/sh
DISKSIZE=`fdisk -l ${MMCDEV} | awk '/[^=] [0-9]+ bytes/{print $5}'`
CYLINDERS=`echo "${DISKSIZE} 255 63 512
**/f" | dc`
/bin/echo -e "p\nn\np\n1\n\n+64M\nn\np\n2\n\n\n\na\n1\nt\n1\nc\np\nw\nq\n" | fdisk -H 255 -S 63 -C ${CYLINDERS} ${MMCDEV}
#mkdosfs -F 32 /dev/mmcblk0p1
#mke2fs -j /dev/mmcblk0p2

step5: insert mmc card

beagleboard format mmc card

step1: umount disk
#umount /media/disk
step2: list disk and delete disk format
#fdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0
#fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
step3: partition disk
step4: format disk

2009年8月20日 星期四

[ d ] booting from nfs

booting from nfs on u-boot environment settiing
#setenv netmask
#setenv serverip
#setenv ipaddr
#setenv rootpath /work/nfs
#setenv bootcmd 'tftpboot 0x2000000 $(image_name);setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=$(serverip):$(rootpath) ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip):::orion:eth0:none usb0Mode=host usb1Mode=host; bootm 0x2000000'

ubuntu 架設 nfs server

$sudo apt-get install nfs-common nfs-kernel-server
$ sudo vi /etc/exports
/work/MVP 192.168.*.*(rw,no_root_squash,nohide,insecure,no_subtree_check,async)

$/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart

$showmount -e

$mount -t nfs 192.168.xxx.xxx:/work /mnt/nfs

2009年8月19日 星期三

ubuntu 架設 tftp server

#sudo apt-get install xinetd tftp-hpa tftpd-hp

安裝TFTP server
OPTIONS="-l -c -s /tftpboot"
tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd /usr/sbin/in.tftpd -c -s /tftpboot
-c 讓client可以修改server內的檔案
-s 指定server的資料夾

重新啟動ttftp server
#sudo /etc/init.d/tftpd-hpa restart

#sudo apt-get install tftp

連線到主機去 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is ip

tftp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

>get xxx


2009年8月18日 星期二

[w] 測試Webcam

連續好幾天,uvc driver build 和 v4l1/v4l2都build 好了

# ls /dev/video0 -al
crw-rw---- 1 root video 81, 0 Jan 1 00:00 /dev/video0
#sudo su -
# chmod o+rw /dev/video0

或是到 /etc/group 下面加入 yourname on video中


#mplayer -cache 128 -tv driver=v4l2:width=320:height=240:outfmt=i420 -vc rawyuy2 -vo x11 tv://

2009年8月17日 星期一

[w]linux audio 權限問題

由於ubuntu 無法看到Projetc音效卡的資訊
今天也把audio 權限修改之後就可以看到了
vi /etc/group



How to add user to audio group
#gpasswd -a username audio